Sunday, December 19, 2010

New Year

It's the end of 2010 already! As I get older, the years seem to pass more quickly. Maybe I'm just getting busier. Anyway, I've enjoyed my first year at S.I.S. very much. There are so many nice students here that it sometimes seems more like fun than work.

I don't have any special plans for the new year yet (although I'll go to Thailand to do a presentation with a couple of other teachers at the end of January). There are always parties somewhere on New Year's Eve, so I'll probably go somewhere in Kyoto (I lived there for 9 years, and most of my friends are still there). I'll be spending Christmas day in Guam with my family. I'm looking forward to some warm weather, and playing a round of golf. In Australia we say that Santa brings presents on his surfboard, but I don't know what to expect in Guam. Actually I don't make a big deal about Christmas now, but when Sophie gets a little older I will.

Do I have any new year's resolutions? Hmmm...I should decide to lose a little weight, of course. Okay, I'll only eat tofu every day for 2011!! Well, seriously, I'm thinking about joining a sports club in Takatsuki. It's a little far from my house, but I should make an effort, right? I hope you enjoy(ed) the winter break.

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