Thursday, December 9, 2010


Another topic of Chapter 9(OC) is discoveries; either personal ones (about yourself, a friend, an intersting place, something you'd never noticed before about something familiar), or the more general type (exploration to foreign places, useful inventions etc).

This year, I've discovered how much fun blogging in class can be. I hope you agree with me. It's been my first time to do it, and I've enjoyed getting to know each of you better through your writing, and even your choice of photos and blog design. Computers are an ongoing discovery for me. I was already about 31 or 32 years old when the Internet became well known and people started exchanging email, whereas you have grown up with it.

Of course there are many other discoveries that I'm grateful for, not least fire, and the wheel (ha ha). Seriously though, when I ride my bicycle I usually think what a wonderful invention it is (to allow us to move quickly without causing any pollution, and giving us some exercise as well). Without the airplane I would probably never have come to Japan, so I appreciate the Wright brothers efforts too. I doubt the usefulness of space exploration though. I think we should spend money on saving the Earth, not trying to go to Mars!

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