Monday, June 28, 2010

A magical experience

I took this photo while standing on top of an old, ruined temple in the countryside in Cambodia. The sunset was spectacular, and we could see across a really wide area of jungle. The sound of the insects was very mysterious, almost like some kind of machine. They must have been a similar creature to cicadas though.

Angkor Wat was very near this place too. If you have a chance, I really recommend you go there. There is a strange sense of something "special" as you approach it. It's hard to describe, but you might feel how wonderful the Khmer culture must have been. The Khmers came from present day Cambodia, but ruled a huge Asian empire from about 900 A.D.- 1400. The stone walls of Angkor Wat are decorated with countless carvings showing events from the daily lives of the people.

My good and bad points

Of course I have many bad points, but maybe the worst is that I'm not strict enough with myself. I usually eat and drink too much. If I want something, I have it. If I exercised more, it might be okay, but these days I don't have much chance to play sport. Anyway, I'm also a bit lazy. I don't like cleaning my room very often, and tend to leave things until the last minute. My wife says I'm stubborn too. I guess that's right, although maybe that can sometimes be a good thing.

My best point is probably that I'm reliable. If I say I'll do something, I really try to be sure that I actually do it. That's something that I think is important, for myself or anyone. I'm also glad to say that I'm not a follower of fashion. I prefer to do things my way, and don't care what is "popular". Also, I'm not especially fussy. Simple things can satisfy me.

Monday, June 7, 2010


My daughter is a genius. She has an amazing accomplishment already. She can read the newspaper. When she has finished reading the newspaper, she eats it, which saves me having to take it to the garbage collection point. She's a very helpful, considerate person.

Maybe my best accomplishment was to help bring Sophie into the world and keep her happy and satisfied. I'm also successful at keeping the garden at our house in good condition, so that visitors who come to have a barbecue with us in the yard can enjoy a pleasant view. I have also visited numerous different countries in the world and broadened my undestanding of some other cultures, which was always a dream of mine.