Sunday, October 23, 2011

Scary stories

It's only a week until Halloween. Do you do anything for Halloween? It was never a big thing around where I grew up in Australia, although I've enjoyed Halloween parties in fancy dress as an adult with other foreigners and Japanese in Japan. We all see a lot about American activities on that night in movies, but celebrating the night goes back many centuries, at least 800 years, to Britain. It was a prelude to All Souls Day, when people prayed for/respected the memory of their dead relatives (something like O-bon).

Anyway, for your next blog post, please write something with a scary theme, for example something scary that happened to you or that you were told. Another idea would be to write about any fears you have. What are you not afraid of now that you used to be afraid of when you were younger? What are you afraid of now that you were not afraid of when you were younger? How do you overcome your fears? etc.

I've sometimes felt scared in airplanes at night when flying through violent storms, with the plane rocking around in the turbulance. My worst moment was when climbing on a mountain and for a short time being in a unexpected position where if I'd slipped I would have fallen hundreds of meters down to the ground.

1 comment:

  1. Your experiemt is scary for me well...
    I freezed with it if I thougt this situation was me...
