Sunday, November 21, 2010


When English speakers talk about "Mister, or Miss, Right", they mean the man or woman who is an ideal match for them as a partner in marriage. The topic of ideal partners is raised in Chapter 8 of the OC book, so I'll tell you about mine. Her given name is Yoshiko, although she prefers to be called Miko (another way of saying the same kanji). I've already told you that we met on a flight from Bangkok to Osaka about 8 years ago.

To tell the truth, I don't believe in the idea of there being just one Mr or Ms Right for anyone. In my opinion, that sort of idea belongs in silly Hollywood movies. There are almost certainly several people who could be an ideal partner for you. The most important thing is timing. Are you both ready for marriage at about the time you meet/ start dating? Of course you need to share common goals, values, and so on, and find each other attractive, but that is not such a rare thing to find in others.

Anyway, what I like about Miko is that she has good common sense and is not shy about telling me her opinion, especially if I think of some foolish idea/plan (I sometimes do). She's also independent, which means she doesn't depend on me for entertainment all the time. She's talkative as well, which means I don't feel pressure to always think of conversation topics.

What kind of person would be your ideal partner? When do you think you will feel ready to marry someone? What kind of wedding/ honeymoon would you like to have? Please respond in your next post.

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