Thursday, April 29, 2010

Life these days

My life these days is going fine! I've been very busy getting used to teaching at a new university. This is my first year at Kangaku. I hated the travel from Takatsuki to Kotoen in crowded trains at first, but now I can cope with it a bit better.

I'm enjoying this time of year, because it has finally started to get warm. I hate cold weather. On the weekend I enjoyed being outside working in my garden most of the time, or sitting on the terrace (overlooking the pond near our house) with my wife and daughter, Sophie. Sophie is 8 months old now, and is growing up fast. It's fun to play with her, but we also have a lot of things to do to take care of her. She can sit up by herself, but can't crawl yet. She enjoys mashed vegetables, fruit, udon, rice, and salmon. She enjoys eating everything (like her father does!!), and usually looks happy. Do you like the photo of her?